Thyme. bought from a different stand in the countryside.
Here's a pot all boiling. It smells so good that you'll want to eat it alone. or on everything. Which I pretty much do.
Above, is the bag after we already used about 100 of the tomatos in the first batch. So, first lesson: a little goes a long way. We usually buy a bushel and either make an absurd amount, or make Chili... the fruit kind that has nothing to do with the chili you know and love.
First step: slice up the garlic. don't chop, or press, or crush, just slice it into slivers. and when it gets boring... make your dad/boyfriend/mother/girlfriend/brother/random guy cut it for you.
At this point, we'd already done a whole batch (100 tomatoes) and dad kinda passed out. For the record, the rough system we had was:
16 Tomatos
7 cloves of garlic
3 onions
salt. I'm supposed to say how much salt. so... a handfull... ish
4 celery leaves (NOT CELERY)
handful of basil
handful of thyme
Saute the garlic and onions till they're just brown
Have it on medium heat
Chop up tomatoes into quarters
Put it in the blender untill it looks like:
Don't worry, it will simmer down and not be really chunky
Put tomatoes in with garlic and onions
Put in celery leaves
Leave it alone and let it simmer.
Throw in basil and thyme
So, with the above done amounts, say 10 liters (ish... maybe... now dad's saying 20... 5... 10, 7. OK. verdict is 20-25 liters "an awful lot"), above is what we still have with tomatos. We processed 24 lbs of tomatos and STILL above is left. I'm dwelling. but that bag is never gonna go away.
For. Serious.
At any rate. It's so easy. the preportions are kinda do what you want less tomato, onion, garlic, just fiddle with it. It's an amazing base for stews, chili's (the normal kind) steak marinades, veggie dressing, we use it everywhere. If you like peppers you can throw them in, same with beans, anything really. Plus it tastes so. damn. good.