My thanksgiving this year was not the normal gluttonous feast that thanksgiving normally is and... I kind of liked it. Sunday we had a delicious fish chowdah made with halibut and tonight we had a roast beef. Turns out the stress IS the best diet- I barely ate anything. Beau's dad also kills the vegetables dead, and soaks them in butter and garlic, so I don't feel the need to stuff myself because they aren't really vegetables anymore. Still good, just not vegetables.
In other news, I'm drinking peacetea. Blue Vervain, Lemon Balm, Catnip, Oat Straw, Red Bergamot, Chamomile, Hops, Motherwort, Valerian, Sweet Gale, Skullcap and St John's Wort all mixed together and drank it makes me feel like everything's alright and I can sleep. Which I basically haven't done in... a few days.
Goddamnit. I don't need to do this again.
The tea is good as a sedative, anti-depressant, sleeping aid and good for irritability and nervous exhaustion which basically sums up my life right now.
Algonquin Tea Company makes a ~very~ similar version to mine, and it's where I go when I can't mix it myself. Their site has a pretty good list of what each ingredient does.