This past sunday we had to put my cat Felix down. He was 15 years old and was... an amazing cat. There are good cats, and amazing cats, and Felix was one of the amazing ones. Losing a pet is always hard, but this time... I don't know. I want to say it was harder, but I don't know how it can be easy. Fee was born in my mom's bedroom, an accident between our two cats before we could get them neutered.

We adopted him out to our eye doctor, who abused him and his brother. We took them back, and through my tears, mom agreed to keep Fee for good. He didn't trust humans for years. He had his moments, he would sometimes jump on your lap, or lay beside you, most often behind you on a couch. He was an outdoor cat, a hunter, catching rabbits and raccoons bigger then he was, and coming out of them without a scratch.

About 4 years ago he started to get closer, wanting to sit on your lap and be close, and finally when mom moved into a condo he started to really... be our cat. He wanted to sit on our laps. When I would house sit, he would cuddle up beside me, instead of just sleeping at the foot of the bed. Same with mom, he would sleep pressed up against her side.

About a month ago, he started getting lethargic. 3 weeks ago we took him to the vet for being lethargic, and a small lump on his lip. This sunday, we took him to an emergency visit at our vet, to put him down because the cancer progressed so fast. Mom and I were in Mexico the week before, and my boyfriend had to take him to the vet, where we were informed they could keep him alive till we got home, but it would be a fight. We did that, and had 5 days with him when we returned home, before we couldn't put him through anything else. The saddest thing I've seen was seeing our cat Sullivan curl up beside Fee's body after we put him down, licking him one last time.

RIP Felix. You were one in a million.
I am so, so, so very sorry. What a lovely baby. Thank you for rescuing him [hiss at the eye Dr.]and your Mom and you giving him such a loving and caring home.
He knew he was loved. Those pictures speak a thousand words. He was lucky to have y'all.
My best thoughts are with you, take care.
Thank you! I still tear up over it, and how could we leave him with someone like that when he was born in mom's bedroom? People who abuse animals are the worst of the worst.
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